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General information and responsibilities

The Bureau for Representation of the Republic of North Macedonia before the European Court of Human Rights is a state administrative body within the Ministry of Justice, carries out activities concerning the representation and proceedings of the Republic of Macedonia before the European Court of Human rights, and which performs other professional activities in accordance with this Law.


  • represent the Republic of North Macedonia in the proceedings before the Court in the cases when the Republic of Macedonia is a party in the disputes before the Court,
  • ensure cooperation of the bodies of the Republic of Macedonia with the Court and the other bodies of the Council of Europe, regarding the issues on representation of the Republic of Macedonia before the Court,
  • prepare a defense and directly represent the Republic of Macedonia in the proceedings before the Court,
  •  regarding the cases it proceeds upon, serve as a mediator for the contacts of the Court with the domestic courts and state bodies,
  •  regarding the cases it proceeds upon, communicate and undertake actions for enforcement of the judgments of the Court, concerning the protection of human rights in the frames of the Council of Europe,
  • has insight into judicial and administrative cases, as well as any other documentation of the state bodies, in accordance with law,
  • handle classified information in accordance with the regulations on classified information,
  • regarding the cases it proceeds upon, collect information, require explanations and opinions from the domestic courts and state bodies,
  • on behalf of the Government, conclude agreements on friendly settlement of the cases before the Court,
  • on behalf of the Government, give unilateral declaration,
  • make a continuous analysis of the judgments and practice of the Court regarding the protection of human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter: the Convention) and inform the domestic courts and state bodies thereof,
  • prepare recommendations for possible actions of the domestic courts and state bodies for the purpose of enforcement of the Court’s decisions in the cases of established violation of the Convention by the domestic courts and state bodies,
  • ensure the harmonization of the domestic legislation with the standards of the Convention and the Court’s practice,
  • follow the fulfillment of the obligations of the domestic courts and state bodies deriving from the Court’s decisions in the cases of established violation of the Convention by the domestic courts and state bodies,
  • inform the Government about the course of the proceedings conducted against the Republic of Macedonia before the Court,
  • with regard to the enforcement of the judgments rendered by the Court, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deliver information to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, concerning the measures undertaken by the Republic of Macedonia,
  • participate in the work at the meetings of the Committee of Ministers when the measures for enforcement of the Court’s judgments undertaken by the Republic of Macedonia are being reviewed,
  • when necessary, propose to the Government establishment of expert teams for preparation of defense and representation of the Republic of Macedonia in the proceedings before the Court,
  • cooperate with the Academy for Training of Judges and Public Prosecutors and their deputies in the process of continuous education of judges, public prosecutors, attorneys and other legal professions, for the purpose of enforcement of the judgments and application of the Court practice as a source of the law and
  • carry out other activities determined by law.

The activity of the Bureau is further regulated by the following legal acts:

LAW representation of the RM before the ECHR (Оfficial Journal RM, n.67/09 from 29.05.2009) see law

LAW amendment representation of the RM before the ECHR

(Оfficial Journal RM, n.43 from 04.03.2014) see law



st. Dimitrie Cupovski n.9
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia

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тел: +389 02 3109 784
e-mail: biroescp@mjustice.gov.mk
web: www.biroescp.gov.mk